[rescue] Production uses for rescued hardware

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Mon Jan 20 23:14:35 CST 2003

On Monday, January 20, 2003, at 04:59 PM, Kurt Huhn wrote:

> I ain't never had too many computers."
Actually there IS such a thing as too many computers, and I think I've 
reached it. Now let me further define TOO MANY computers. When you HAVE 
to eat out, because every table like surface in your house has a 
computer on it... When you have to be careful where you walk, because 
the floor is covered with computers... When you don't realise that the 
SparcStation you just put together has a bad drive in it because you 
couldn't hear the whine over all the other machines in the house... and 
finally when you can't invite a person of the opposite sex to spend the 
night with you because the only place left to put a computer is on the 
other side of a queen sized bed, YOU HAVE TOO MANY COMPUTERS!

So now the question is... Which one do I get rid of? :)

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