[rescue] Cheapass MicroFax (sic)

Chad Fernandez fernande at internet1.net
Sat Jan 4 11:09:31 CST 2003

Dave McGuire wrote:
>   It's about the same height as a 4/470 chassis, but nowhere near as 
> deep...it's maybe one foot from front to rear.  They can be comfortably 
> moved by one person, but they are kinda heavy.  They're on rollers that 
> only roll from side to side (the non-swiveling type).
>       -Dave

13 3/8" X 19 5/8" x 25" plus the base/wheels whatever.  The base is a 
few inches high and the other two dimensions are a few inches greater 
than the machine itself.  I measured my 3400 in a BA213.  I think thats 
213 in the picture.  I think the 440 is identical is size anyway.

It's the biggest machine I can carry up to a 3rd floor apartment myself. 
  I'm 5'8" at 155lbs, so I'm no monster though.  I'd guess it's about 90 
pounds without the base.  It's been ahile since I carried it myself, 
Though.  When I moved, I had help.

Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA

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