e: [rescue] IBM RS/6k 48P

Jochen Kunz jkunz at unixag-kl.fh-kl.de
Wed Feb 5 09:36:23 CST 2003

On 2003.02.05 11:30 vance at neurotica.com wrote:

> Ah.  How for are you from it?  It might be worth driving to get it.
It is located in Austria and I am in South-West Germany. It would be
trip of at least 8..10 hours. (one way)

> This is a really nice haul.
Yes. But I am afaraid that the price will explode und I really should
not spend more money on "nice to have" machines that I don't need.

> IBM's line of MPP supercomputers are the RS/6000 SP.
> Many of the fastest supercomputers in the world are RS/6000 SP's.
I know.

> They don't couple the nodes particularly
> tightly, but they scale very large.
Aha. Here is the reason why they absorbed Sequent: NUMA technology.
I didn't know that the SPs are loose coupled message passing machines.

> FDDI makes a really nice cluster interconnect medium.
I know. Unfortunately Tru64 doesn't support it for this purpose.

> What is it that Arthur C. Clarke once said?  "Any sufficiently
> advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" or something
> like that?


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