[rescue] Free SPARC 2 in Indiana

Bob Dole norvasc6 at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 29 22:32:59 CST 2003

Cleaning out a closet has resulted in three old sparc 2's along with three 
19 inch monitors and some misc (CD drive etc) on their way to the dumpster. 
I haven't used these in about 3 years but I recall having linux on two of 
them. I live in northeastern Indiana If anyone wants to pick these up. I 
would prefer not to ship as the whole mess weighs more than I do.

I realize they have no value other than as nostalgia items (which is why I 
bought them in the first place but now the wife would like the closet space) 
so they are free if anyone would like them.

Please email to me at remove_no_spam.norvasc6 at hotmail.com

Not sure if this is the right place to post so please forgive if not thank 

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