[rescue] AMIX (was: Sun 3/60 SunOS 4.1.1 netboot question)

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Wed Oct 30 16:24:58 CST 2002

Carl-Johan Schenstrom wrote:

> So you've got the software at least? Hmm, interesting.. ;)
> What hardware is supported by AMIX? Will it run on a vanilla A3000 (I seem
> to recall that AMIX ran on those but can't remember if there was a special
> A3000UX)? An A2000 with a 680[234]0-processor board (any or just CBM's)? I
> suppose A4000 was too new?

There was a 'special' A3000UX, but the only think different about it from a
regular A3000 was that it came with an ethernet card (A2065 I think was the
number) and a special framebuffer that wasn't fully supported by either AMIX
or ADOS. (and it isn't needed if you're not running X, and I would imagine
that there are more Xservers available today that would use the standard
display). Don't forget this machine was back when an AT&T license still cost
an arm & a leg, hence the extra $1k in cost of the UX version.

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