[rescue] large lot of cheap 72pin memory on e bay

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Oct 17 22:04:39 CDT 2002

> One day when I'm here alone I'm going to doen the network, have a
> memory-swapping party and see what's what.

If life ever slows down I need to do that too--I've now got a veritable
plethora of random 72-pin SIMMs and 168-pin DIMMs which I need to
sort out and try to figure out (for each) what it works in and what
it doesn't.  (yes, I already sorted out the stuff that's more obvious...
but I've got 4 IBM-labeled SIMMs with 10 chips each that as I remember
don't work in anything at all...and other odd bits like that.)


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