[rescue] A quick NFS question

Sheldon T. Hall shel at cmhcsys.com
Wed Oct 9 17:48:22 CDT 2002

I like my Indigo2 a lot.  So much so that I'd like to be able to use NFS to
mount some directories off of my SPARCstation LX and just use the I2.

It seems simple enough:  edit "/etc/dfs/dfstab" and run
"/etc/init.d/nfs.server start" on the LX, then run some mount command on the

However, I can't find the right mount command to run, since every variation
I can think of gives me the "Insufficient privilege" error.

The Sun's dfstab file's only non-commented line looks like this:

    share -F nfs -d "Home Directories" /users

and starting nfs.server produces no error messages.

What mount command should I use on the I2?  "mount -F nfs rtfm:/users/shel
mnt" doesn't work (mnt is a directory in the directory I'm in).

I seem to be missing something.  Can someone direct a clue my way?

Sheldon T. Hall
shel at cmhc.com

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