[rescue] alphaserver 4100

Jochen Kunz jkunz at maja.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de
Tue Oct 8 04:45:35 CDT 2002

On Mon, Oct 07, 2002 at 09:54:05PM -0500, Dan Sikorski wrote:

> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2059059144
> It's withing driving distance to pick up.  What should i be willing to
> bid?
OK no memory. I don't know what memory it needs, maybe very special 
(=expensive) modules. But it has 4 x 440 MHz CPUs! If it wheren't on 
the other side of the pond, I would spend the $700 for BIN. 
Maybe you can swap one or two CPUs for a reasonible amount of RAM
if you don't wane invest additional $$$ for RAM. 


Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/

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