[rescue] idiots on SlashDot

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 4 07:40:09 CDT 2002

--- "Patrick Giagnocavo +1.717.201.3366" <patrick at zill.net> wrote:
> So I see an article on IRIX yesterday on /. 
> I think, neat, maybe there will be some good discussion.

What were you thinking!? ;^)
> It did nothing more than remind that in order to have the average
> Slashdot poster's IQ be above room temperature, I have to only look
> at posts rated at 3, or higher.

I *rarely* go beyond the front page - the discussions are too hard to
mine interesting/useful information...

> Uggh... must shower now - the stench of idiocy is hanging around me.

I hope you deleted all evidence in your browser cache...



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