[rescue] Re: SGI Video - PC Monitor (*)

Eric Webb ttlchaos at randomc.com
Thu Mar 28 21:21:09 CST 2002

I hate to bring this thread back up, but I just got my I2 today and I'm 
trying to get something to display it with.  

I have a 13W3 -> HD15 borrowed from an RS/6K box.  The cable is good because 
it works on my SS20.  However, my 19" SVGA won't display anything.  It's 
reporting 0khz horizontal and 72.2khz vertical.  This tells me that the hsync 
line is either grounded or not connected and the vsync line probably is 
connected.  I think this is responsible for confusing my monitor into 
thinking it has composite sync instead of SOG.  Does anyone concur?

Now, this tube is an Envision EN-910e.  Certainly not top of the line, so it 
wouldn't surprise me if it doesn't do SOG, but I can't definately say that it 
doesn't.  (Anyone have one?)

Would it perhaps help to craft a cable/adapter that doesn't connect the sync 
lines just in case they are the source of the confusion?  Maybe my 13W3->HD15 
is wrong/bad?  I have a scope, can anyone tell me what I'm looking for?


On Tuesday 12 February 2002 08:44 am, you wrote:
> > Okay, it would appear the concensus is that a PC monitor *can* be used
> > with the proper adapter, but the monitor must be able to support
> > 1280x1024x60hz, and sync on green.
>  Well, the consensus is wrong. Sorry, but I just woke up and couldn't make
> a contribution to the vote :). In addition to sync on green, the Indigo2
> (and also the Indy that I'm 100% sure of) have also a horizontal, vertical
> and composite sync available on the 13w3 connector. Look in the hardware
> developers handbook on page 4-74 or check with a scope (yes, I checked with
> a scope and I could disconnect the green cable and still get an image). So
> basically any PC monitor will work, if it supports the right resolution.
>  The startup resolution can be changed too. There are monitor-id pins with
> which you can select a start-up resolution, but the 1024x768 resolutions
> are commented as for indy only (but listed also for Indigo2). I suspect
> however that these will work fine; an Indigo2 will also work with a
> presenter and for the presenter the startup resolution is 1024x768.
>  And for "setmon":
> http://btrzxa.fddi.uni-bayreuth.de/cgi-bin/manpages/setmon/1
> "setmon changes the video output format to the one specified; it also
> specifies the default video format to be used at system power-up or
> graphics initialization.  "
> > Now to find such a beastie.  Probably far easier to
> > find that than to find a true SGI monitor.  Heck, I might have such a
> > monitor in our stockpile here at picarefy.com.
>  I had a 13w3 SUN monitor with attached 13w3 cable that worked
> "out-of-the-box" with my Indigo. Of course I don't have it anymore, but I
> think it was a 17E11.
>   Michiel
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