[rescue] FS: SGI O2 system (FOAF)

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Mon Mar 25 15:03:06 CST 2002

On March 25, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> >   Oh MAN...cut $900 off that price and it'd be reasonable.
> So, do you have a source for machines of that configuration for $900 less?
> I'd like to hear?  That is certainly more than similar machines go for on
> ebay, but not $900 more.

  Ok, is it the video input option that's making this thing worth more
than $300?  I bought two of them in that config without the video
option for $275 well over a year ago.  I must admit that I don't know
much about the video option or its value.


Dave McGuire                    "...it's leaving me this unpleasant,
St. Petersburg, FL                 damp feeling on my shorts..." -Sridhar

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