[rescue] What is this?

CARL.P.HIRSCH at sargentlundy.com CARL.P.HIRSCH at sargentlundy.com
Thu Mar 21 15:56:44 CST 2002

I have no idea what that thing is, but I'm wondering if anybody on the list
has done business with this outfit before?

I'm planning on bidding on a Cisco AGS+ from these guys tonight and I'm
wondering what I'm in for. Shipping from them seems slightly excessive, but
if low big price can make up for it....


                    Dombrowski"           To:     rescue at sunhelp.org                                    
                    <legodude at hamm        cc:                                                           
                    ycorp.com>            Subject:     [rescue] What is this?                           
                    Sent by:                                                                            
                    rescue-admin at s                                                                      
                    03/21/02 02:57                                                                      
                    Please respond                                                                      
                    to legodude                                                                         



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