[rescue] DEC Storageworks SBB Problem

Jeff Workman jworkman at pimpworks.org
Tue Mar 19 07:43:46 CST 2002

Stoned koalas drooled eucalyptus spit in awe as Mike Meredith exclaimed:

> Is the enclosure connected to a SWXR RAID controller ? Those damm
> things are very, *very* fussy about the kind of disks they'll work
> with. If you can get the ST15150W's to identify themselves exactly the
> same as an RZ29, it might just work; assuming that the geometry is the
> same.

It's a DAC960, I think that the AlphaBIOS identifies it as a SWXCR or 
something like that.  I've actually gotten a few drives to work now but 
it's still a pain in the ass.

> It's also worth checking to ensure that the firmware on the SWXR is the
> latest version, as the later versions are rumoured to be less fussy.

Where do I get the firmware upgrade and how difficult is it to install? 
I'd hate to hose my RAID controller.


Jeff Workman | jworkman at pimpworks.org | http://www.pimpworks.org

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