[rescue] Punch the Monkey (was: SS2 memory?)
rescue at sunhelp.org
rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Mar 8 08:56:48 CST 2002
Previously, our intrepid adventurers said:
> > then give junkbuster a try. it's kinda a pain in the ass
> > to setup, but it works pretty well.
> Doesn't seem to solve the problem of pop-* ads, which is my
> biggest bitch right now. Their suggestion is to disable
> javascript...which is what I'm trying to get around.
> For blocking banner ads, I've got fake DNS zone files for a
> bunch of the ad domains. it returns for
> *.doubleclick.net & the like. So instead of a popup ad, I
> get a broken image icon.
I'm still in the process of transitioning from the "old"
junkbuster v2.0.2 (with Stefan Waldherr's patches
that change the broken image icon into a transparent GIF)
to the newer and re-written junkbuster
which has some relevant new features. For one thing, it
allows cookies by default so that my wife can hit the shopping
sites with minimal pain (it can be changed to a default
deny). It no longer needs a SIGHUP since it checks time
stamps on its config files and automagically uses the changes
(this is useful most of the time, occassionally frustrating.)
Best thing, though, is that it can do re-writing and good
regexp matching. In re_filterfile on my primary proxy (which
runs on OpenBSD), I've got lines such as
s/<!-- OSDN Navbar -->/<!-- begin OSDN Crap/ig
s/<!-- end OSDN Navbar -->/end OSDN Crap -->/ig
which nicely trim out the OSDN Navbar at the top of
There's also a line in there that takes out most of the
ad-relevant cookies but leaves the shopping-cart server-side
cookies alone:
s|(document\.cookie)([ \t\r\n]*=)|documenZapCooky$2|g
I've even put in regexps for some of my favorite sites that
convince them I don't have Flash available for the ^(*%^&*(
"multimedia" ads. These two take care of about 80% of the
s/flash = 1/flash = 0/ig
s/navigator\.mimeTypes\[\"application\/x-shockwave-flash\"\]/ 0 /ig
It Works For Me (tm). (By default, it also changes all
instances of Microsoft to Microsuck. Lots of fun reading
MS corporate webpages through it with an unsuspecting co-
worker reading over your shoulder. I ended up disabling
that feature, though, because it broke lost of browser-
detection code.)
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