[rescue] Punch the Monkey (was: SS2 memory?)

Chad Fernandez fernande at internet1.net
Fri Mar 8 02:41:54 CST 2002

Netscape Navigator runs slow for me too.  I didn't realize it until I
finally got so sick of it crashing that I tried Explorer 5.0.  I still
use the Messenger portion of Communicator for email.  It's the best
email client that I found that is stable.  It does crash every so often,
but it's normally because I've opened a few Navigator windows.  This is
on a AMD K6-2 400.

Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA

"Greg A. Woods" wrote:
> You obviously have other major tuning or overload problems then --- I
> happily run multiple copies of it on a measly P-II 300MHz with only
> 320MB of RAM.  My SO is even using it for e-mail and NNTP and she seems
> quite happy with it (and that machine runs a load of other jobs too,
> including my emacs sessions!)

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