[rescue] Mac stuff rescue

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Mon Mar 4 21:37:44 CST 2002

My ignorance of Appletalk will show now... Can you use a Mac with an ethernet
card installed as a bridge?

"Fogg, James" wrote:

> ~ Pretty cool stuff. I may need to set up an Apple Talk network, since I
> ~ now have 4 working Macs.
> You haven't had a Mac network until you've done AppleTalk. My first Macs in
> college were on a giant AppleTalk network. Slow, predictable, native and
> affordable (in those days ethernet was killer expensive).
> I have been looking for an AppleTalk <-> Ethernet bridge (cheap/free, see my
> "cheap" post in geeks), so I can connect my 4 Mac SE, SE/30's to the rest of
> the world. I actually like AppleTalk.
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