[rescue] OT: How To Archive Lists/Newsgroups

Jochen Kunz jkunz at unixag-kl.fh-kl.de
Mon Mar 4 05:34:01 CST 2002

On Mon, Mar 04, 2002 at 10:54:46AM -0000, Roger Blake wrote:

> I've run into a slight problem with my email - I like to keep mail
> for useful lists such as this one, but at present am using Outlook.
You really should consider to switch to a real operating system 
(i.e. some kind of *ix, you may include MacOS X here.) and real 
mail handling software. A MTA like sendmail for mail transport,
procmail for filtering / sorting, mutt or balsa or ??? for reading 
and writing. This is the setup I use and I have no problems handling 
70MB mail boxes with 10k+ mails in it. 

And I am sure VMS can provide a mail environement that is equal in
usability to *ix. But, you know, VMS is "different". 


Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/

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