[rescue] AlphaServer 1000A -- ME TOO!!!

Jochen Kunz jkunz at unixag-kl.fh-kl.de
Wed Jun 26 15:56:39 CDT 2002

On 2002.06.26 21:38 Simeon Johnston wrote:

> Got Debian-Alpha GNU/Linux installed and running 
Please replace it with somthing real, please. VMS, OSF/DEC-Unix/Tru64 or
at least with NetBSD. 

> (because it was the 
> fastest way to get something running on this machine).
This is no excuse for doing such a cruelty to this fine hardware. ;-)

> What kind of speed should I expect out of these machines? 
Depends on the CPU. From 4.34 (4/266) to 14.4 (5/500) SPECint95. 
Look at the dmesg. Doesn't tell the Penguin somthing like "21164 CPU at


Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/

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