computer building? was[rescue] Noise levels

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at
Mon Jun 24 12:54:37 CDT 2002

On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 12:24:49PM -0400, Chris Hedemark wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-06-24 at 10:48, George Adkins wrote:
> > Heh, then you'll just looove this...
> > Several places in the Washington DC metropolitan area have traffic lights 
> > equipped with lenses which _deliberately_ make it impossible to see what 
> > color the light is until you are within 150 feet (~50m) or so of them.
> That's what I was talking about.  We had those in NC and also in PA and
> they were quite dangerous, IMHO.  Can't tell you how many times I had to
> slam on the brakes because you couldn't see the red light until you were
> like 100 or so feet away from it. Not smart of them when the speed limit
> is 55mph (about 100kph IIRC)

Where in PA?  I don't think I've come across any in my travels, but
there is a lot of state that I haven't traveled through recently also.

Joshua D. Boyd

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