computer building? was[rescue] Noise levels

Dave McGuire mcguire at
Thu Jun 20 14:03:01 CDT 2002

On June 20, Kris Kirby wrote:
> How do you put up with the moving, the constant change of co-workers,
> being away from friends....?

  Well, the moving sucks, but it only happens once.  Being away from
friends sucks too.  But being away from all the morons that added
stress to my life, abused my goodwill for personal gain, etc etc, is a
very good thing.  Cars, airplanes, email, and telephones work fine for
the "good" acquaintances.

  "Constant" change of co-workers?  I was unemployed for nearly a year
when I left DC, and now I work in my house for what is effectively a
3-person company.  I tend not to *have* any co-workers.


Dave McGuire                  "Needing a calculator indicates that
St. Petersburg, FL              your .emacs file is incomplete." -Joshua Boyd

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