[rescue] Air Conditioned equipment cabinets !! (for real)

Leslie Connally lesliec at theplanet.com
Wed Jun 19 10:54:10 CDT 2002

Linc wrote:
>When I close my cabinet up (see http://thelinuxlink.net/~linc/ ) the noise
>level is significantly reduced, however, the heat problem persists as

I was at a friends warehouse the other day, and he has 10 of these German?
19" test equipment cabinets. I'll find out the name if anyone is
interested. EACH ONE has an AC Unit at the bottom of it to cool just that
cabinet!!!  Airtight door seals front & back - glass doors.

Only problem is, AC units have passwords.. Cabinet distributor wont talk to
them (werent bought new) and he hasnt the wherewithall to call Germany.

They ARE for sale if anyone is interested.. I'll just forward your names to
the guy.. I dont know how much he wants . Probably "reasonable"


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