[rescue] Old SunOS

Kevin Loch kloch at gurunet.net
Tue Jun 18 01:38:59 CDT 2002

I'm sure we can find whatever drives are needed (I've got
several QIC60 drives).  I'll even throw up a site to host them.

If the tapes are ok, and you have the right drive, it should
be as simple as dd'ing all the tape files to disk:

mt -f /dev/nrst0 rewind

dd if=/dev/nrst0 bs=8192 of=file1
dd if=/dev/nrst0 bs=8192 of=file2
and so on until dd transfers 0 blocks.

(or replace with your own favorite method).


Al Potter wrote:

> > Does anyone have old SunOS images other than the ones
> > on sun3arc.org?
> Yes.
> I have a box of OLD original distro tapes.  I'm pretty sure they go back at
> least to sun2.
> Who has the drives (QIC 60?), knowhow and dedication to rescue this?    f
> there is sufficuent interest, I'll track down the box (we just moved) and
> post an inventory.
> There is NO rush, I've had then for a while, and they ain't going
> anywhere....
> AL
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