[rescue] Axil-255? (was "Looking: Manual for SPARCstation 1+")

Jeremy RJ Towers jeremytowers at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jun 10 15:06:34 CDT 2002


The Axil-255 was an SS5 clone that would fit into the SS 1/2 chassis. 
 Probably this is why you thought it was an SS1+ , most  likely this is 
the label on the front..

I looked at the memconf utility here


and it shows:

if ($model eq "SPARCstation-5" | $model eq "micro COMPstation 5" | $model =~ /Axil-255/) {
        # Accepts 8MB and 32MB SIMMs on motherboard
        $untested = 0;
        $simmrangex = "02000000";
        $simmbanks = 8;
        $simmsperbank = 1;
        @simmsizes = (8,32);
        @socketstr = ("J0300","J0301","J0302","J0303","J0400","J0401","J0402","J0403");
        @bankstr = (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7);
        if ($model =~ /Axil-255/) {
                $bannermore = "SPARCstation 5 clone";
                $modelmore = "SPARCstation 5 clone";

You should simplify the board as much as possible, the memory is added one at a time. Start with only the working 32mB module.



Katherine Strojny wrote:

>>I have a 3 book set for the SPARCstation 1 which is composed of:
>>Sun System User's Guide
>>Installation Guide
>>Sun System & Network Manager's Guide
>>probably not the same thing, however.
>Thanks.  As it happens, maybe I don't need SS1+ manuals.  I'm still
>trying to figure out what I'm looking at.  My question now is whether
>this really is a SS1+.  The banner says it's an Axil-255, and Google
>brings up several posts that say Axil-255 is a SPARCstation 5 clone.
>Can anyone help confirm this?
>The system board looks *sort of* like the link Phil Schilling sent:
>with some exceptions including:
>- Where the NVRAM and boot PROM are labeled U089 and U0637 in the
>diagram, I see label U0501 and U0205 on my so-called SS 1+, on units
>that look more like they might be the CPU and FPU.  And what looks to
>be the boot PROM and NVRAM (under SBUS slot 3) are labeled U0203 and
>- I don't see any SCSI Fuse or Ethernet Fuse (U2 and F071) at the
>location specified by the diagram.
>- The floppy power and power supply are next to the memory banks, not
>Also, I have the memory slots nearly all populated, but only one
>bank(#1) has memory that's recognized, with 32 MB reported.  The PROM
>monitor says "nothing there" for the other 3 banks (0, 2, 3).  The
>SIMMs are a hodge podge which I haven't tried to research yet (with
>any luck anyhow), but the point is that the SS1+ allows 1MB and 4MB
>SIMMs, and there are 4 slots to a bank, so any one bank can't have
>more than 16MB.  So I don't think this is a SS1+.
>Background:  I got this system from a friend (who got it from a
>friend) on the condition that I fix the memory, which runs "very hot".
>I pulled one bad SIMM that seemed to be the culprit, but am finding a
>few other things that need fixing/configuring.  No OS installed, but
>it boots to the PROM monitor fine.  I need to tackle the memory and
>the SCSI HDD next and find a CD-ROM drive to load the OS.
>Fist, I'd be grateful if anyone can help me identify this puppy...
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