[rescue] Itanium 2

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Wed Jun 5 16:08:49 CDT 2002

On June 5, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> >   With the unbelievable performance figures being quoted for the later
> > PPC G4s, UltraSPARC-IIIs, and IBM's very beefy POWER4 family, they're
> > going to have to be pretty amazing to keep up.
> Well, one would hope that they would have done well enough to push the
> IA-32 chips off the market.  That should be of interest to all of us.
> But, oh well.

  The IA-32 chips are pushing themselves off the market...they don't
need any help.  They've proven with the P4 that they can't push the
architecture much further.  I believe it's going to take more
engineering oomph than Intel has to make a new IA-32 chip that adds
any performance beyond simple increases in clock rate through process
advancement.  Everyone else, however, is producing new processors that
would still be much faster than their predecessors if they were run at
the same clock rate.

  It's only a matter of time now.


Dave McGuire                       "*BURRRP!*  Mmm...tastes like cannoli,
St. Petersburg, FL                    smells like garlic!" -Sridhar

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