[rescue] Sbus VGA?

Mike Hebel nimitz at owc.net
Wed Jul 24 00:09:47 CDT 2002

Jim Carver wrote:
> My guess is you scored one of the better Vigra cards. Several venders
> have sold the fixed model like Mike and I have. CG3 to your Sun, SVGA to
> your PC monitor. www.vigra.com seems to be done at the moment. They have
> online manuals for all three cards they offered the VS10,VS11 and VS12.
> The model I have and I suspect Mike has is the VS10-EK. 

Yup.  VS10EK printed right on the card.  "8-BIT COLOR FRAME BUFFER"

> It was supposed oem'd for a specific application. 

My guess would be kiosk type work as mine was found in a small Kodak 
labeled Sun boxen.  Pay big bucks for the Sparc but save on the monitor.

Mike Hebel

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