[rescue] misc old Sun resources

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Mon Jul 22 11:56:18 CDT 2002

On July 22, Leslie Connally wrote:
> >I think you'll agree that this group hardly qualifies as a random
> >sampling of "the majority of the USA".
> just cause this group is heady* and willful**, that is not to say we dont
> _live_ in a statistically random areas with statistically random distances
> from COs...

  Of course...but who would guess that anyone here wouldn't have, oh,
MOVED to an area where it's possible to get decent connectivity?  I
dunno about you folks, but "where's the CO?" is the second question I
ask, after "are there bullets flying overhead?" when looking at an
area to move into.


Dave McGuire                  "Needing a calculator indicates that
St. Petersburg, FL              your .emacs file is incomplete." -Joshua Boyd

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