[rescue] Bull Estrella Model 340.

Marc Zyngier mzyngier at freesurf.fr
Mon Jul 15 06:31:00 CDT 2002

>>>>> "Jochen" == Jochen Kunz <jkunz at unixag-kl.fh-kl.de> writes:

Jochen> Remember: When the Linux folks say it is ready for prime time,
Jochen> the NetBSD people still say it is expermental and are doing
Jochen> more and more testing.

I don't think anybody ever said it was ready for anything except deep
kernel developpment. That's what I'm using it for anyway :-).

>> (ok, there were a lot of gory details to take care of, but I
>> sorted it out finally). 
Jochen> Linux on non-PeeCee hardware...

Well... At least, Linux on my Alphas/UltraSparcs was *very* easy to

Jochen> Yes. We are using some of our 43P-100 with Debian as server at
Jochen> the Unix-AG. (We have 12 machines, but riped some of them to
Jochen> get more disk and RAM for other machines like our Indigo
Jochen> R4k...)

:-) I'm doing that kind of things all the time, depending on my
needs. FPM memory is starting to be hard to find (ar least in

Places change, faces change. Life is so very strange.

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