[rescue] cheap gps for time reference

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Sun Jul 7 23:03:26 CDT 2002

On Sat, 6 Jul 2002, it was written:

> Public education... is child abuse.
> There, I've said it.

I must be the only person here (and, quite possibly, the only person I
know) that tremendously enjoyed public education.  I've always been a bit
of a loner, so I didn't have a lot of interaction with my peers, but I had
a lot of interaction with my teachers.  I worked independently, and
classes were superfluous, more often than not.  I found loopholes and
excuses to legitimately miss about 40% of my classes in high school.

Anyway, throughout elementary and high school, I came into contact with
two types of teachers:
  1) Horrid little people with a narrow-minded persuits, stuck in their
     ways of "education", impossible to see beyond the tips of their own
  2) Genuine academicians who chose a path in high school education either
     to relax from more stressful positions they enjoyed earlier in life,
     or in hopes to "make a difference" in the overall stupidity of the

I had great fun tormenting the former (within the black-and-white
boundaries set in the student handbook, keeping me out of trouble), and
have confirmation that I was responsible for at least one of them
resigning.  At some point later in life, I hope to serve on a school board
to continue this reign of terror against morons who emotionally beat the
creativity out of young people.

However, I had more fun working with the latter, and the amount of trust
that I was given by them.

That said, even though I've only been out of high school for four years, I
do not believe I would enjoy high school as much if I were to be a
freshman in fall 2002.  High school nationwide went totally to hell with
that Columbine shit and the terror that it put in the minds of soccer moms
and spineless school administrators.


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