[rescue] What is an XTerminal 1?

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Tue Dec 31 20:23:45 CST 2002

On Tuesday, December 31, 2002, at 09:12 PM, Patrick Giagnocavo 
+1.717.201.3366 wrote:
>> One thing you could use is a JavaStation, the Krups ones run about $35
>> on eBay and they are a SS5 (but much cooler looking) that boots off 
>> the
>> network (JavaOS can be booted off a SIMM in them, but they can also 
>> run
>> Linux), then you can forward X sessions to it. It has no fans at all.
> What color depth do they run in?

   Mr. Coffee is 8 bit, Krups is 24 bit.


Dave McGuire           "She's a cheek pincher.  I have scars."
St. Petersburg, FL                          -Gary Nichols

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