[rescue] fuck you Theo

Brian Hechinger wonko at 4amlunch.net
Tue Apr 30 15:54:15 CDT 2002

On Tue, Apr 30, 2002 at 02:54:43PM -0600, Todd C. Miller wrote:
> The OpenBSD 3.1 CDs do include a VAX-bootable disc :-)
> Personally, I just net-boot my vaxen do to installs.

that was the original plan, since i pretty much netboot everything, but the
machine that it would be booting from is being finicky and wants to hang
waiting to start or join a cluster.  bastard machine.

Whoops, nevermind...  the compile just imploded, crashing the xterm it was
running in as well...  Thanks, Richard...              -- George Adkins --

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