[rescue] demime

dave at cca.org dave at cca.org
Thu Apr 18 16:40:33 CDT 2002

jsharp at psychoses.org writes:

>Tonight, I discovered a really sucky "feature" to the version of "Elvis"
>that comes with Slackware 7....vi an .html file and it tries to render it,
>saying "press ^Wd" to see source.

>When did it decide that it wanted to be a fuckin web browser?  if I'm
>loading an .html file with vi, don't you think I want to EDIT it, not VIEW

That's what you get when people with a typical PC background clone unix

"Yep, our latet version of /bin/true can play MP3s in QUADROPHONIC sound!"

------ David Fischer ------- dave at cca.org ------- http://www.cca.org ------
-------- "I prefer the ridiculous to the sublime." - James Chance ---------

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