[rescue] 13w3w Monitor cable lengths

Jochen Kunz jkunz at unixag-kl.fh-kl.de
Mon Apr 15 17:56:27 CDT 2002

On 2002.04.15 23:00 Rick Hamell wrote:

> 	Can any one tell me what the practical cable length is for a
> 13w3w monitor cable?
If it is a good cable (The Sun ones are very good) 100' / 30 m is no
problem. I use a 4 x RG59 cable set on my Alpha and keyboard / mouse
extensions of about 10 m. No problems. 

> I'm going to be going through a low-end switch box,
Don't do that. It will decrease signal quality _significant_, more than
several 100 feet of (good) cable. Believe me. Been there, seen that,
didn't want it. 


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