[rescue] RS/6000??

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Oct 18 20:34:36 CDT 2001

ssandau at bath.tmac.com writes:

>This 59H says it has all PCI slots free (?). I just wrote to ask about a
>network connection, too. We'll see. Did some RS/6000 machines have PCi
>architecture, like new Suns?

If it's PCI, it's much later, and I bet it has ethernet on the

>So fit a PDP-10 into *one* truck? I remeber the one we had being several
>refrigerator-sized cases, and slow as... well, you know... as a PDP-10.

It's a 1095 - 3 CPU cabinets, 6 core memory cabinets, 1 tape drive, 
around 4 FEP 11s, 3 RP06s.... I think that's it. It was a big truck.

-------- David Fischer --------- dave at cca.org --------- www.cca.org --------
------------------------ I like making new friends. ------------------------
-- I make them out of clay and bring them to life with a blood sacrifice. --

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