[rescue] Re: Career Rescue - Pray for me

Michael A. Turner rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Oct 9 15:39:08 CDT 2001

	Well it appears that I am safe for now. Two vice-pressidents got it
in the neck though, not sure if this is a sign of bigger things or if maybe
, for once, god has answered the working mans prayers and created a CEO that
understands that gobs of upper managment is not good after all.

	As to this dilema, answer the question in very theoretical terms and
then tell them that you can come and show them how for a nominal fee. Best
of both worlds. 

Michael A. Turner
Systems Engineer
michael.turner at whro.org

-----Original Message-----
From: Derrick Daugherty [mailto:derrick at blinky-lights.org]
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 5:22 PM
To: rescue at sunhelp.org
Subject: Re: [rescue] Re: Career Rescue - Pray for me

It's rumored that around Tue, Oct 09, 2001 at 03:56:03PM -0400
"Michael A. Turner" <mturner at whro.org> wrote:
> 	Ok time to start heading down to find a seat, wish me luck.

Doh, g'luck.  It seems sys admins get to stick around longer than most
the other cattle though, so hopefully you'll make it through.

Due to the same situation I now have a moral dilemma...  Yesterday was my
last day on the payroll.  Today I get an email from the guy who hired me
about two years ago asking if I were to replace our EMC what would I do
it with... so first thought is ka-ching, now they have to hire me on as
a consultant.  BUT, the CTO is trying to buy the company so he can run
it as he intitially meant (he's the only remaining founder).  If that
happens they hire me back, so I don't want any bad blood, but at the
same time, migrating 6-7tb of data is no small task..even for
theoretical situations.

What's the group's opinion, be nice and answer their questions or try
and weasel some hardware out of them if they won't pay in cash? :)

rescue maillist  -  rescue at sunhelp.org

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