[rescue] pkgadd failure - checkinstall

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Nov 28 09:08:52 CST 2001

s at avoidant.org wrote:

> I noticed ot first when trying to install openssh. It failed on
> checkinstall. SO i found the checkinstall script and ran it from the
> command line. Stuck in a print statement at the end, and it prints
> "Done!" when it's done. So it works.

Hokay, so now I'm the eediot. Seems I can't run pkgadd from within my
own user directory. See how these things converge? I log in as sambo, dl
the pkg, then su to root to untar or unzip and install. Dismal failure.

But then I moved the 8_Recommended.zip to / (Bad move, but it *is*
root's $HOME), unzipped it, and viola! it works. OK, so it's something
about the perms on sambo's $HOME. I'll figure it out.

Thanks to all who replied.


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