[rescue] Re: [geeks] new list: RANTS

Dave McGuire rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Nov 26 23:32:58 CST 2001

On November 26, George Adkins wrote:
> > > I think the issue would be editorial oversight - you can sue Salon
> > > (they control their content), but you can't sue AOL (they repeat
> > > others content without review). (Again, IANAL, IMHO, ETC)
> >
> >   A.K.A. "common carrier"...ISPs went through a tremendous amount of
> > shit about this back in 1993-94 or so.  It was a nightmare.
> Whatever happened to people being responsible for their own actions and 
> statements?  

  ...unless you can blame it on someone else.  Remember the story
about the lady who sued the microwave oven manufacturer because they
didn't specifically tell her not to put her dog in the microwave?


Dave McGuire
St. Petersburg, FL

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