[rescue] What is this xyplex?

James Sharp rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Nov 13 16:25:15 CST 2001

> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1296851123
> What is this?  The description says it hase 4 serial ports, but the pictures
> show centronics connecters.  Does it really have more serial ports, but
> expects medusa style cables, or are the parallel or scsi ports, or something
> else altogether.  What is this beast?

its the bigbigbigbigbigbigger brother to the little 1600s...and, IIRC, the
predecessor to the Network 9000 chassis based units.

>From the top down, card 1 is a 12 port ethernet card, card 2 & 3 are 16
port serial cards, card 4 is an 8 port serial card, and card 5 is the
management card.

The "console" port is a AUI ethernet connector.

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