[rescue] SCRAPPLE

Joshua D Boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Nov 13 15:54:25 CST 2001

On Tue, Nov 13, 2001 at 04:44:27PM -0500, Dave McGuire wrote:
>   The big problem with UPSing a large home computer room is the fact
> that while we might be able to stretch and get enough UPS capacity for
> all of our machines, we're seldom able to get enough for the air
> conditioning systems.  During the tornado outage, the temp in my
> computer room rose to nearly 100 degrees within 20 minutes before I
> came back inside and started shutting things down.

If you can live without the AC for that time period, then a generator should 
be a reasonably cheap option.  Proper big ones tend to be expensive new.  
However, old ones (like homemade monsters, or military surplus) seem to be 
reasonable.  Ebay seems to have a fair number of listings.  Err, I don't know 
what sizes one might need.  For instance, is 5kW, 110v anywhere near large 
enough for a Cray and AC?  What about 60kW ($5k for 

Err, I don't know anything about how well different UPSs might deal with the 
potentially poor quality of a diesel generator.  

Someday (like when I get my own place, a few years in the future) I intend to 
get a good generator.

Joshua D. Boyd

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