[rescue] tape drive with no SCSI

Steve Sandau rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Nov 7 21:31:35 CST 2001

My boss has a new G4 cube with an Orange Micro SCSI to FireWire
converter that works really weel he says. I can't find a SCSI to USB
device on Orange Micro's site, but I did run across this:


However, it is, as someone else observed, only 1+ MB and will probably
suck even if it does work. A separte host might work even better. Get
gnu tar and use it over the ethernet...

Dave McGuire wrote:
>   Hey folks.
>   I have a need to connect a high-capacity tape drive (DLT perhaps) to a
> Sun that has USB but no SCSI...a Netra X1, specifically.  I would like
> to be able to access it with standard mtio ioctl()s so it'd have to
> show up as an "st" device.  Anybody have any suggestions?
>     Thanks,
>      -Dave
> --
> Dave McGuire
> St. Petersburg, FL
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Steve Sandau
ssandau at bath.tmac.com

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