[rescue] OK, step one of the purge in New Jersey...

Joshua D Boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Nov 5 21:56:16 CST 2001

On Mon, Nov 05, 2001 at 04:11:35PM -0500, Gregory Leblanc wrote:
> Does this apply to just the DVD decoder?  As I understand it, most of
> the DVD drives for PCs don't have a decoder, you get that as a separate
> card, or run software decoding.  If I'm running software decoding, can I
> get it to ignore regions?

I'm not sure.  I've heard that the region code was still in the
drive.  That sounded wierd to me though, and I didn't really believe it. 
However, I have a DVD Rom that was in a machine when the powerstrip the
machine was attached to blew up.  In most ways, the DVD rom seems fine.  I
can use it to play DVD games, read data DVDs, do everything I ever did
with CDs, etc.  However, now the DVD playback software complains about
failing the region check.  I don't have any region free DVDs to test with
handy.  However, the drive cans till read disks fine, yet something
changed with the power strip blowing out, and reinstalling didn't help it.

Not definate by any means of course.  Just some poor evidence that appears
to support the rumor.

Joshua D. Boyd

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