[rescue] OK, step one of the purge in New Jersey...

Gregory Leblanc rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Nov 4 20:43:05 CST 2001

On Sun, 2001-11-04 at 21:51, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> PS, on a related note, where do I find the information on making dselect
> relize that I have GTK installed when I installed it from source (and not
> the source .deb file since it wasn't updated recently enough at the time) 
> since I both needed a newer version, and some custom compile options.  

Uhm, basically you don't.  You can, but you have to learn WAY more about
how dpkg works than you really want to.  Just fetch the packages you
want, and install them with a no dependancies option.  Unless you
installed gtk+-1.3.x from source, in which case just install 1.2 along
side of it.

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