[rescue] OK, step one of the purge in New Jersey...

Ken Hansen rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Nov 4 14:09:52 CST 2001

Next weekend, m wife and I are sending my 5 yr. old to Grandma's for the
weekend, so we can stay home and clean our offices (photos to follow,
promise ;^)!

I have decided that I will have an X Terminal and my incoming Indigo2 as the
only machines in my office, everything else goes donwstairs (basement!)...

So, here comes the question: How do I set-up a Sun X Terminal 1 (the
SS/5-looking one)?

Here's what I know, please help me fill in the details:

1) Software needed for these units only runs under Solaris 2.6 and earlier.
    What packages are needed?
    Anyone tried under later Solaris?
    Do I just "add_client" or "install_client"?

2) The X Terminal can only netboot - no local storage.

3) My X Terminal has a VSIMM installed
    Is it for resolution?
    color depth?

4) Any point in upping the RAM in an X Terminal 1?
    I think I have one 8 Meg SIMM, and the MB has 4 slots IIRC

5) Will graphics be faster/slower than SS/5-170 w/TGX framebuffer?

6) Anyone used one of these for an extended period?
    Planned use as CDE Client (or is it Server) into HP, SGI, Sun & Linux
    Do they generate excessive heat (compared with typical PC/SS/5

Thanks in advance for any assistance in getting this box up, so I can decide
what boxes go where this weekend...

I am heading towards an MS-less environment (I use so little MS software as
it is, outside of work, that I think the effort to transition will be
slight...). Laptops may remain on Win98 for 802.11b networking...



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