[rescue] Repairing traces on plastic

George Adkins rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Nov 3 22:11:25 CST 2001

On Saturday 03 November 2001 11:03 pm, you wrote:
> I'm in needs of pointers where I can find a bottle of something conductive
> and liquid-like to repair (2) VT200 keyboards I scratched by accident
> while cleaning.
> The traces are aluminum (almost dust) on clear plastic, presumably mylar
> or polyethlene. Something flexible is the ultimate goal -- I don't think
> that foil tape will offer the flexibilty I need.
> Thanks in advance...
go to www.cyberguys.com or www.mouser.com and look for a Circut Board 
Conductive Trace Pen.

Expect to pay about $15.


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