[SunRescue] Re: expensive paperweights

Michael S. Schiller rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed May 30 09:32:03 CDT 2001

> Hi All.

Here's an interesting question. I have 2 of the 6 x 5.25" drive trays in my
SC 2000. One is filled with 6 of the wide/differential versions of this
drive, the other (which is out of my SS690) has 4 2.1 differential drives in
it. The one with the 2.1 gig drives has regular 50 pin connectors in it
rather than the 68 pin connectors like the other tray has. I had in the past
had 2 of the 9 gig wide differential drives in this tray by using adapters to
make the 68 pin into a 50 pin connector, but this also required cutting away
some of the power connector  (I used an extension cable, didn't actually
modify the internal connector in the tray) as there wasn't enough clearance.
What I'm wondering is this: I notice that the single ended versions of this
drive come with a regular 50 pin connector, if I remove the existing 2.1
differential drives, is there any reason I can't mount 6 of these drives into
that tray, and connect it to a regular SCSI connector on the machine? Is the
differential drive version any faster than the single ended? What I would
like to do is add 6 more 9 gig drives into the system, and use them to mirror
the existing 6 9gig drives in the machine. This is something that Disksuite
can do, right?

> On Wed, 30 May 2001, Dan Debertin wrote:
> >
> > For those of you still buying full-height drives for your dinosaurs,
> > everybody seems to be liquidating their supplies of Seagate Elite 9's.
> > One example:
> > http://www.compgeeks.com/details.asp?invtid=205-4108
> >
> > $25 for 9GB ... I just bought two and am taking an opportunity to get to
> > know DiskSuite. They are remarkably quiet, but very hot.
> >
> >


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