distributed mailing list? (Was Re: [SunRescue] Question...)

Gil Young rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu May 24 13:23:42 CDT 2001

I dont mind at all.  Speaking of which, putting all our geek minds 
together, there must be some way to devise a distributed mailing list.  For 
example, ten of us could pool our bandwidth limitations together and 
support a large list with "free" bandwidth.  I cant think of a way, but I 
just started thinking about it.  Possibly a round robin DNS approach, but 
that would make list archiving a mess. Any ideas?


At 12:16 PM 5/24/01 -0500, you wrote:
>(asking geeks and rescue about this because I know you guys will
>  give me good opinions)
>Would you guys object to a short 1 or 2-line sponsorship message
>at the bottom of each email from the rescue/geeks/sunhelp lists?

Gil Young
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