[SunRescue] Dumb Term

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue May 22 15:43:30 CDT 2001

woods at weird.com writes:

>I can't for the life of me remember the name of the first "smart"
>terminal I ever encountered.  All I remember was that it had some
>enormous amount of memory (256KB, IIRC), an mc68k CPU, a large (19"?)
>bit-mapped (and maybe even grey-scale) display.  It came out about the
>time as the Sun-1 (1982?).  It had a network interface (might not have
>been Ethernet though), and no smarts or disks, just a tiny ROM that
>could load a boot image from the network.  A group at the University of

I think there were a bunch of machines like that around that time...
might have been an SGI IRIS-1000 series machine? That used XNS which
is just ethernet with a different packet format.

-- david fischer -- dave at cca.org -- www.cca.org -- Cthulhu told me to. --

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