NetApp filers (was Re: [SunRescue] Tape drive)

Bill Bradford rescue at
Sun May 20 05:07:29 CDT 2001

On Sun, May 20, 2001 at 05:46:37AM -0500, Tugrul Galatali wrote:
> 	Maybe you guys can mention where I can find one :) I plugged in
> "netapp" into ebay's main search (maybe a dumb thing to do) and all I got
> were a $10K 1/4 terabyte and $35K 1/2 terabyte models.
> 	Sounds like a fun toy :)

They dont tend to come any cheaper than usually $10K or more for
a usable system.  I lucked into mine, and I'm still having to
piece it together (still need 2 32mb true parity 72pin SIMMs and
some Storageworks cannisters w/drives; already had the drive

There are VERY FEW individual "home" NetApp users.. Probably less
than 25 - due to the original prices of the hardware and the
demand for used stuff in places that buy it for spares and such.


Bill Bradford
mrbill at
Austin, TX

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