[SunRescue] Tape drive

James Lockwood rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat May 19 18:59:56 CDT 2001

On Sat, 19 May 2001, Bill Bradford wrote:

> Imagine a huge DEDICATED NFS server.  RAID-5.  Hotswap drives.

RAID level 3, dedicated parity.

> Failover redundancy if you need it.  INCREDIBLE NFS performance

They're good, I'll grant, but far from incredible.  For applications doing
bursty I/O on small files (typical Unix/PC "homedir" app) I've found just
about nothing better, but if you need raw bandwidth on huge files they can
fall flat.

The principle advantage to a NetApp can be summed up in the phrase "one
stop shopping".  Customer service is phenomenal.


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