[rescue] RE: VSIMMs in SS/20 ("one VSIMM good, two VSIMMs better" - sorryGeorge Orwell)

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Jun 21 10:08:23 CDT 2001

Ken Hansen wrote:

> The little board that takes up one SBUS slot is an Aux video board - it provides the second framebuffer output - your machine has two, seperate framebuffers. You can run dual-head, if you want.

Cool. Does each use 4M or is it shared somehow like AGP? If I only have
one monitor (so don't use the aux card) am I using all 8M? Should I
actively look for another monitor?

> Prestoserve is a add-on to speed up some file operations, support is tricky under more recent releases of Solaris (7 or 8)...

AH, thanks. Don't have one, not going to worry about it.

> My SS/20s are about to get 4 Meg VSIMMs and an Aux board (like you rlittle one) so they can run dual-head 24 bit color. I found a guy that offered me 2x 4 Meg VSIMMs and 2x Aux video cards for $125 + 5 S/H. I am happy with that deal ;^), but now the bigger, better deal is on the horizon...

See? Again, 1x4M per machine. Is there benefit to putting in 2x4M or am
I better off putting 16M RAM in one of those slots?

> Isn't that always the way...



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