[rescue] "New" SPARCserver 20

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Jun 21 08:38:21 CDT 2001

"Joshua D. Boyd" wrote:

> Yeah well, a Sun is nice hardware, and this machine is a PC, which was
> home built, and while it is supposed to have a good motherboard (Tyan), it
> has always had some minor problems.  For instance, I had to buy a PCI

Check to make sure you've got spacers under the motherboard. Sounds like
a short. Make sure the mobo's not touching the case.

> soundcard (I tried 3 different ISA ones, all worked the same) to keep the

COuld the ISA card have been bending the corner of the mobo so it toched
the case?

> another sure fire way to crash.

Can you describe the crash?

> Ocasionally X locks up.  Here, I haven't ever taken the time to confirm
> whether it was just X or the whole machine.  But, this isn't even a weekly
> occurence.

I get Netscape lockups all the time. Switching to Netscape, and the
fonts go all small and funny and X just locks hard. I can access the box
from another machine, and it's still running fine, but no matter what I
kill the screen never comes back. Always requires a reboot.

> I didn't take the time to check /var/log/messages last night since I was
> in a hurry to leave for a nightclub.

So? D'joo have fun?


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